Timezone Conversion Widget Pro


Timezone Conversion Widget Pro plugin is a lightweight plugin that allows your customer to convert the date and time from one timezone to another timezone.

Site admin can create multiple Timezone Conversion forms on his website and choose relevant forms to be displayed on the front end page. The created Timezone Conversion form shows the date & time, from timezone and to the timezone selection field on the front end of the website.

Visitors can select date and time, from and to timezone from the dropdown, and submission of it will show the converted date & time.

In the backend form settings, one can give appropriate labels to each field available in the form. For created form, one shortcode will be generated, and using that shortcode one can show the form anywhere on the website.

This plugin also adds the Timezone Conversion Widget which can be used to display the Timezone Conversion form in any area of the website. In this widget, there is the option to select the form among the created ones.

Version: 1.0.0
Release Date: 23rd January 2022


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