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How to Change WooCommerce Price Title of Products

A common WooCommerce request to change WooCommerce Price Title are:

  1. How do I add text to the price?
  2. How can I hide price from product page Or from all WooCommerce pages?
  3. How to change/hide prices for a particular product?

So I decided to write a small plugin to make life easier for people especially those who are non-technical and do not know much about how and where to add hooks in the function files.

The name of the plugin is Change WooCommerce Price Title which is available WordPress repository.

This plugin allows anyone to completely change/hide the price title. You can also set the label to product price like “From $100”. Also, you can choose an option if you want to change/hide price should take effect only on a Product page or all WooCommerce pages.

In the Change WooCommerce Price Title Plugin, options are available on Global Level as well as on Product Level. Globally enables options that will be applicable to all the WooCommerce products in your store. And options enabled on the product level will override the same options enabled on the global level.

Change WooCommerce Price Title – Global Level

Once the plugin is installed and activated on a website, a sub-menu called WooCommerce Price Title under WooCommerce main menu will appear. Here all global level options are available. Let’s know more about each available options on this page.

Change WooCommerce Price Title

Change Price Title For All Products: Allows to set text for all products. You can completely change the title or you can set the label for the price like “From PRICE” which will show the title as “From $100” if your product price is $100.

Hide Price Title: Enabling this option will hide Price Title from all WooCommerce Product Page.

Apply Above Options On All WooCommerce Pages: Enabling this options will Change/Hide price on all WooCommerce pages based on values of above-elaborated options.

Change WooCommerce Price Title – Product Level

All product-level options are available in the Advanced tab of Product data meta box on the admin end product page.

Change WooCommerce Price Title

Set price title: This option allows you to set/change the price title only for that product. So if your product’s price is $100 and you want to change the price title to “From $100 Only/-” then you can set the value “From PRICE Only/-” to this option. PRICE is nothing but the shortcode you can use to display the original product price in the text you wish to set for price title.

Change WooCommerce Price Title

Hide Price?: You can this option in the product if you want to hide the price for the product from the WooCommerce product page.

Applicable on all WooCommerce pages: The above two elaborate settings will be effective only on the WooCommerce Product Page. So if you want that the above two settings should be effective on all the WooCommerce pages then you can enable this option so the value set to “Set price title” and “Hide price” will be applicable to all the WooCommerce pages.

shoppageChange WooCommerce Price Title

I hope Change WooCommerce Price Title plugin will make store owners life easier as it allows setting labels for the price, completely change price text, hiding the price on WooCommerce Product Page and/or on all WooCommerce pages.

Do let me know in the comments if Change WooCommerce Price Title plugin helps you to Change/Hide WooCommerce Price Title on your WooCommerce store as per your requirements or not.

If you have any queries regarding this plugin OR facing any issues with the plugin then feel free to drop an email to

There are plenty of other useful plugins available on our site which you can explore. A plugin like Bulk WooCommerce Category Creator might help you to reduce some hectic tasks of creating multiple categories in the store. Also, you can check out the top-selling plugin Sort WooCommerce Product in Cart and Order. This plugin allows sorting the products in the cart and order.

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Mauro asuse

    destroy pages products with variables!!!!

    1. kartik


      Can you please elaborate your issue in more detail? Maybe with some screenshot or video or steps to replicate the issue.

      After your comment I checked the plugin with WooCommerce Variable product type and things were working fine.

  2. Timo

    is it also possible to change €10 – €100 to “Starting at €10”

    1. kartik

      Hi Timo,

      Yes, you can set the ‘Starting from €100’ value to the option as shown in the below screenshot.
      Screenshot –

      But if you want that it should automatically take the lowest price using some merge code then currently that is not possible.

      If you are interested in customization and want it customized then feel free to drop an email on the email address.
      Email Address – kartechify at gmail dot com

  3. Raja

    How do I implement this in a particular category in woocomerce ?

    1. kartik

      Hi Raja,

      Currently, it is not possible to apply the settings only to the particular categories.

      We do accept the customization request. If you are interested in customization then please drop an email at the below email address.
      Email Address – kartechify at gmail dot com

  4. Web Dev

    its not working for me. can you please help me.

    1. kartik


      Can you please let me know what exactly is not working for you? If possible then try deactivating all the plugins except the ‘WooCommerce’ and ‘Change Price Title for WooCommerce’ plugin and check if the issue still persists or not.

      Please let me know.

  5. Sotiris

    Can i change the color of the price title?

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